Thursday, March 3, 2016

Dear Past Me,

You are hilarious. Here I was, going to make an entirely new blog, but then I found this one and started cracking up because the hot single polar bear thing is something you will still find hilarious in five years. However, future you is gonna hi-jack this blog for a while (that's not actually a thing, is it?) Essentially, in the future you are are a more medicated but still vastly confused human being (Oh, you have depression and anxiety, btw. Hope that explains a few things). At this point, you've been introduced to Fowler's Stages of Faith and in the past five years you've tripped off the diving board and face-planted firmly in stage four. It's not the most comfortable of places but you're still similarly stubborn these days and retreating to level three isn't in the cards for us. So here's to chronicling my current journey (primarily focusing on the spiritual, but hey, everything is connected). Sincerely, 23-year old you.